Sztukówka Vineyard

The Sztukówka Vineyard is located in the Podkarpacie region. It is located in the buffer zone of the Czarnorzecko-Strzyżowski Landscape Park, in the Frysztak commune. The farm and the vineyard are exposed to the sun on the southern slope.
The vineyard was established in 2009 and covers an area of 1.6 ha. Ten grape varieties are grown here, and the names of the wines are borrowed from traditional folk instruments.
The wines produced here are appreciated in national and international wine competitions. The wines received, among others, the medal of the International Wine Fair Enoexpo 2012 and 2016, the Galician Wine Competition 2014 and regularly win prizes of the Polish Wine Competition – an event accompanying the International Wine Days in Jasło. In 2019, it was a bronze medal for Maryna 2018.
Sale of wine
Mail order / Online sales
Venues & events
Wine tastings
Winery tours
Grape varieties
Sztukówka Vineyard
Glinik Średni 153
38-130 Frysztak
+48 605 539 422