Garlicki Lamus Vineyard – University of Agriculture in Krakow
The “Garlicki Lamus” vineyard is located in Garlica Murowana, near Krakow, in the “Dolinki Krakowskie” Landscape Park. It is characterized by a varied topography and includes a number of Jurassic valleys. The name of the vineyard “Garlicki Lamus” comes from the name of a historic building from the beginning of the 17th century. It was originally a gatehouse of a wooden manor house. With time, it was adapted to serve as a lame, and the gate was bricked up. In the nineteenth century, a classic mansion was erected next to it, which no longer exists today. In the 1980s, the building was rebuilt and adapted to the administrative needs of the farm. It fulfills this function to this day.
The Lamus is a small, two-story building on a square plan. It is topped with a tiled roof. External wooden stairs with a gallery lead to the first floor. From the back of the store, a large, rustic portal is clearly visible. It is a remnant of the ride. The windows have very modest stone frames in the Renaissance style. There are two rooms inside, on the ground floor and upstairs. The lower one (former entrance hall) has a barrel vault, on the first floor the ceiling is flat, wooden.
The first seedlings in the University Vineyard were planted in spring 2007 and it was only 250 in five varieties: Muskat Odesski, Seyval Blanc, Jutrzenka, Regent and Marechal Foch. Initially, this mini vineyard was to complement the collection of fruit plants located in the Experimental Station in Garlica Murowana. The soil on which the vineyard grows is second-class, brown, leached, of loess origin on limestone rock.
In spring 2008, thanks to J.M. Rector prof. Janusz Żmija, as well as the Dean of the Faculty of Horticulture at that time, prof. Stanisław Rożka, this vineyard has been enlarged to 1 ha of area, where almost 3,000 shrubs in 15 varieties now grow.
The “Garlicki Lamus” vineyard was registered in 2013 at the Agricultural Market Agency as well as at the Customs Office. That year, the production of wine for sale began there. However, the first experimental wine production took place since 2009. The vineyard has at its disposal a perfectly prepared and equipped wine cellar at al. On November 29, in which, in addition to the production (processing of grapes), classes in the field of Oenology are conducted. These classes are very popular among students of the Faculty of Biotechnology and Horticulture.
The basic tasks of the vineyard are: educating students in the field of viticulture, wine production as well as research that is already being carried out or is being prepared for implementation.
The wines are made in the cellars of the old experimental cooler at al. November 29 56. In 2012, they were renovated and adapted to the needs and now provide excellent facilities for wine production. For most of the year, it is possible to maintain a temperature of 12 C 0 in them in a natural way, only in summer it is necessary to additionally cool the rooms where the wine is aged and matured. The wines ferment in modern stainless steel tanks, while smaller batches mature in glass containers.
Since 2013, wine has been produced in the “Garlicki Lamus” Vineyard under the trade name UNIWERSYTECKIE GRONO. All produced in the Garlicki Lamus Vineyard are certified wines, i.e. those that can be sold under the name of the variety from which the wine is produced, as well as the vintage in which it was produced. Thanks to this information, consumers who buy University wines know what to expect from a given type of wine before tasting it.
The entire production, both in the vineyard and in the winery, is supervised by Dr. Eng. Przemysław Banach.
Sale of wine
Mail order / Online sales
Wine courses and workshops
Winery tours
Grape varieties
Garlicki Lamus Vineyard
University of Agriculture in Krakow
Garlica Murowana 1
32-087 Zielonki
Agricultural University of Hugo Kołłątaj in Krakow
Department of Horticulture / dr inż. Przemysław Banach
Al. 29-listopada 54
31-425 Kraków
+48 600 55 45 05